
Life2vec, This AI tool can Predict your death Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that uses individuals' information such as ...


UK Supreme Court said AI Cannot Be Designated as an 'Inventor' in a Patent Dispute The top court in the UK decided that Artificial Intelligence cannot be ...


PM Narendra Modi's Sangam Speech Translated by AI-powered tool named Bhashini On Sunday, during an event held in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister ...


Introducing Krutrim the AI born from a venture led by Ola's CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, hailed as India's Own AI On December 14, 2023, Ola Electric's CEO, ...


PM Modi Inaugurates GPAI Summit, Emphasizing the Necessity of Maximum Transparency in AI The Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi set the stage for the ...


European Union Announces Revolutionary AI Oversight Laws The European Union passed the AI Act, the world's first comprehensive set of rules governing ...


On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed tech enthusiasts, innovators, and stakeholders from around the globe to participate in the forthcoming ...


IBM and Meta recently declared the AI Alliance, a group of more than 50 organizations like AMD, Intel, NASA, CERN, and Harvard University. This coalition aims ...


To protect nature, wildlife, and Elephants, Indian Railways built an AI software named "Gajraj AI" to avoid Elephant rail accidents. The Gajraj AI software ...


In the race to introduce chatbots in the AI Era, Amazon introduced its chatbot named "Amazon Q" and is now on the list of Big Companies that are having their ...


Aitana, the first Spanish model was created by Designer Rubén Cruz and his influencer agency named The Clueless.   Each week, Aitana, a lively 25-year-old ...


The founder of Microsoft Bill Gates showed his optimist approach toward artificial intelligence. Bill Gates said that AI will not replace humans but it can ...

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