Introducing Krutrim: the AI born from a venture led by Ola’s CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, hailed as India’s Own AI

Introducing Krutrim the AI born from a venture led by Ola's CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, hailed as India's Own AI
Introducing Krutrim the AI born from a venture led by Ola's CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, hailed as India's Own AI

Introducing Krutrim the AI born from a venture led by Ola’s CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, hailed as India’s Own AI

On December 14, 2023, Ola Electric’s CEO, Bhavish Aggarwal, posted on X to announce the upcoming debut of Krutrim, India’s own artificial intelligence system. Eagerly anticipating its potential, Aggarwal invited everyone to a live launch event at 2:30 PM the following day, extending an invitation to witness Krutrim in action.

Krutrim, Named with a Sanskrit term meaning ‘artificial’, this substantial language model (LLM), according to Aggarwal, has undergone training using over 2 trillion ‘tokens’. These tokens represent sub-words commonly employed in conversations.

The company claims that this LLM incorporates the most extensive compilation of Indian data ever utilized for training purposes.

Ola offers two AI models: Krutrim and Krutrim Pro. The regular Krutrim model understands 22 Indian languages and generates responses in 10 languages. It reportedly outperforms models like GPT-4 and Llama in understanding Indian languages based on benchmark tests.

Bhavish Aggarwal believes that India requires own AI tailored solution. Krutrim has been developed entirely from the ground up, prioritizing India’s needs first, focusing on high relevance to local contexts while maintaining an affordable price range.

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