
The US election is taking its final turn to the homestretch and political pundits, propagandists, and pragmatists on both sides of the divide will reprise ...

Editor choice

Decades after his death, AI has done what we never imagined – Resurrected Lennon’s voice.


On Tuesday 02 October 2024, waves of ballistic missiles from Tehran visited Israeli airspace in an assault that has completely blurred the distinction between ...


When ElliQ isn’t asleep, the petite AI companion is busy keeping senior citizens in home care independent and healthy. The question that lingers in our minds ...


The AI stock market took a historical dip last Monday in what analysts see as the beginning of a new dawn. The world’s most dominant AI chipmaker, NVIDIA’s ...


Chatbots are game-changers for businesses and website owners. They provide instant, personalized responses to customer queries 24/7, boosting satisfaction. ...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been trending and is poised to bring about substantive changes shortly. Technology holds so much potential to solve most ...


Google Chrome gets 3 New Generative AI Features. Chrome browser has received a boost with three generative AI features. This is an initiative to include ...


A recording has been released of a robot that impersonated President Joe Biden, and asking Democrats in Manchester, New Hampshire not to vote in the New ...


The AI project is inching closer to the open general target with each passing day. AI algorithms are being trained to think like humans and be able to ...


Meta company is investing so much in AI. Zuckerberg has expressed plans to outdo rivals in the tech industry by investing huge sums in data centers with ...


IMF Report: Nearly 40% of Global Jobs to be Impacted by Artificial Intelligence. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shared a report, talked about by ...

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