Google Plans to Layoff 30,000 Workers from Ad sales Due to AI innovation.

Google Plans to Layoff 30,000 Workers from Ad sales Due to AI innovation

Google Plans to Layoff 30,000 Workers from Ad sales Due to AI innovation

The president of the Americas and global partners, Sean Downey, announced last week that the tech giant intends to reduce its workforce by 30,000 employees from its ad sales unit due to recent advancements in artificial intelligence.

Google plans to change things in its ad sales department. The company aims to harness the potential advantages of utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance operational efficiency.

The introduction of AI into Google’s customer care services will directly impact jobs that rely on human involvement within the department.

In May this year, Google introduced AI-driven ads for Google Ads. These ads offer a conversational experience and aim to simplify campaign creation in Search ads. Google’s AI can analyze websites and create suitable keywords, headlines, descriptions, images, and other elements for effective advertising. This AI-driven chatbot combines design and sales expertise for Google Ads.

These new AI-powered ads helped Google become more successful in advertising. Because of this success, Google decided to let go of some employees and reduce its workforce.

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