OpenAI Steps into Personalized AI Chatbots with the Launch of GPT Store

OpenAI Steps into Personalized AI Chatbots with the Launch of GPT Store

OpenAI Steps into Personalized AI Chatbots with the Launch of GPT Store

OpenAI has just opened the GPT Store, a place where you can find personalized AI applications. Originally set for November, the GPT Store opening got delayed to December and then to January. This platform allows those who made their own chatbots to share them with the public. Currently, only users on OpenAI’s paid plans can create and use custom GPTs.

Additionally, OpenAI revealed plans for a revenue-sharing program with GPT creators starting in the first quarter of the year. Creators will earn based on user engagement with their chatbots, although specific details on how this works haven’t been disclosed yet.

To get into the GPT Store, you need to have one of OpenAI’s special plans like ChatGPT Plus, ChatGPT Enterprise, or the new ChatGPT Team.

At the launch of the store, you’ll find various GPTs, including a trail recommender from AllTrails, a code tutor from Khan Academy, and a content designer from Canva. Right now, you can use them for free, but there might be changes later on.

Creating GPTs is easy and doesn’t require coding skills. You can make them as simple or as fancy as you want. Just tell OpenAI’s GPT Builder what you want your AI chatbot to do in regular language, and it’ll try to make it happen.

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