Intel and DigitalBridge Introduce Articul8: Empowering Businesses with AI Innovation

Intel and DigitalBridge Introduce Articul8: Empowering Businesses with AI Innovation

Intel and DigitalBridge Introduce Articul8: Empowering Businesses with AI Innovation

Intel and DigitalBridge Group have come together to create a new company called Articul8. This company offers a special software platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI) designed specifically for businesses. This platform helps companies use AI in a secure way while also optimizing it for different industries. According to a press release on Wednesday (Jan. 3), this platform ensures that businesses can benefit from AI while keeping their data safe.

“Every global enterprise today is challenged to integrate GenAI capabilities into their workflows. Articul8 has built a scalable and easy-to-deploy GenAI software platform that is already enabling enterprises to unlock value from their proprietary data. We see GenAI as a pivotal force driving digital infrastructure, and we are pleased to collaborate with Intel to support Articul8’s growth,” said Marc Ganzi, CEO of DigitalBridge.

Articul8 provides a ready-to-use AI software. This platform is designed to help big businesses to use AI quickly, securely, and affordably. It helps these companies put AI into action and expand its use. Initially, it was created and fine-tuned to work best with Intel hardware like Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Gaudi® accelerators. However, it’s flexible and can also work with other combinations of technology.

Arun Subramaniyan, previously in a high position at Intel, will now lead as the CEO of Articul8. He mentioned that lots of possible customers had worries about giving their data to big cloud companies for AI tasks. He also noted that these customers were worried about the expenses if many of their workers began using these systems and costs got out of control.

Apart from DigitalBridge, which is a big investor in data centers and traded publicly, other investors in Articul8 include Fin Capital, Mindset Ventures, Communitas Capital, GiantLeap Capital, GS Futures, and Zain Group.

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