World’s Biggest VivaTech Event in Town – Meta’s Chief, LeCun vs Elon on AI Job Loss Fears in 2023

Yann’s statement could give hope to those self-proclaimed developers who purchase certificates from street vendors and think that Python is just a big snake.
VivaTech AI event taking place in Paris

Brains behind AI inventions such as Vinod Khosla prophesied that AI would displace workers including doctors. We’re at that stage of watching and waiting with crossed fingers to see how big names in the industry respond to his predictions. As the Porte de Versaille exhibition opens its doors to the seventh edition of the World’s biggest tech event, VivaTech, discussions on AI are expected to take center stage.

On Wednesday, Professor Yann LeCun – one of the godfathers of AI and current Meta’s Chief poured cold water on the ongoing fears that AI could take all jobs. In his statement, AI systems could now pass the Bar Exam in the U.S., and make you an attorney but can’t load a dishwasher which a ten-year-old could learn in 10 minutes:

“What it tells you [is that] we are missing something really big …to reach not just human-level intelligence, but even dog intelligence.” Prof. Yann

Yann’s statement could give some hope to those self-proclaimed developers who purchase certificates from street vendors and still think that Python is just a big snake. Perhaps, it will renew the hopes of content writers who now resorted to dog walking like James.

In his response to AI godfathers’ such as Geoffrey Hinton and Vinod Koshi who predicted possible risks to humanity, Meta’s Chief Scientist expressed confidence that generative AI will only amplify human intelligence for the better.

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Paris VivaTech Brings to Life the Antagonisms in AI Regulation

The first day of the biggest AI Event in Europe provided hope for a threatened global labor market that they’ll use AI for their benefit. Yann further dismissed claims that AI will be smarter enough to take over the world as baseless fiction. On VivaTech opening day, experts attending the biggest event now such as Prof. Yann now want guardrails taken out of the way: “This is not going to take people out of work permanently”.

However, the Meta Chief agreed that work will greatly change without expressing any ideas on jobs that will remain untouched. He also hinted at the need for AI regulations to be system-specific instead of trying to control its invention.

These sentiments come against the backdrop of the European Commission bringing the first AI Act (AIA) for a decision. Cullen International has built a cheat sheet on the new act which will see non-compliance subjecting businesses to 30 million euros or 6% of their annual worldwide turnover.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPS) already gave a nod to the AI Act on 14 June 2023. If the agreement is reached, among EU countries then AI systems will have sufficient guardrails against the wishes of Meta’s Chief.

French President – Macron Launched the 2023 Edition

On the other hand, the thought of deregulating AI did not go down with the host, French President Emmanuel Macron. In his remarks after launching the VivaTech event, he openly acknowledged the need for international regulations on AI to make it safe and secure.

Nonetheless, Prof Yanna expressed worries following his conversation with the AI start-up that mostly think the EU AI Act is too restrictive and broad.

President Macron’s support must be understood from the view that France hosts one of the most successful start-ups Mistral AI with 10 million euros worth of investment under its belt within four weeks of operation. These hopeful businesses will be expected to bow to the new Act should it receive support from member countries.

Is Elon Musk Attending VivaTech?

The man of the moment, Elon Musk – a tech billionaire who treats his mom to a good night’s sleep in the garage will be hosted in VivaTech. It’s not long since you saw his signature on a letter calling for a moratorium on AI development. As a victim and a villain in the development of generative AI, you expect him to differ from Prof Yanna and support the efforts to regulate AI systems. In the next few days, we expect these pundits and other big names to weigh into the AI debate.

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