AI news

Nothing is currently more confusing than the Artificial Intelligence hype. For the first time in six decades of uninterrupted progress in the entertainment ...


IMF Report: Nearly 40% of Global Jobs to be Impacted by Artificial Intelligence. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shared a report, talked about by ...


Life2vec, This AI tool can Predict your death Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that uses individuals' information such as ...


European Union Announces Revolutionary AI Oversight Laws The European Union passed the AI Act, the world's first comprehensive set of rules governing ...


In a recent YouTube official Blog, The YouTube Product Manager Vice President Jennifer Flannery O'Connor and Emily Moxley revealed that Youtubers have to ...


Samsung for the very first time announced publicly that their coming devices will use a Generative AI model called Samsung Gauss. Samsung showcased the AI ...


One of the most direct outcomes of the AI revolution is the surge in demand for professionals who can develop, design, and maintain AI systems.


The rapid advancements in Artificial intelligence technology have paved the way for remarkable progress in various fields, including news writing. Recently, ...


Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way businesses interact with their customers. Businesses use AI to improve customer services through intelligence ...


Artificial Intelligence is finding its transformative impact in nearly all sectors including pharma industry. AI drug platforms have the capacity to streamline ...

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