Editor choice

The 70% of employees who will survive ChatGPT must sharpen their skills beyond the basics and offer something a little more...


With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, IBM developed an Artificial Intelligence question-answering computer system that can answer ...


Some of those who may need our assistance today in crossing the street had more power on their arms than we currently do. They traversed the dusty places of ...


Companies are continuously trying to improve their customer service by finding novel approaches to communication. Combining Ai with actual humans working in ...


Customer service has substantially changed in the quick-changing digital world, and self-service assistance is now an essential component of the customer ...


Service robots have transformed industries and ordinary jobs in the not-so-distant past from being viewed as a far-fetched science fiction ideal to becoming an ...


With no doubt, AI has revolutionized the interaction between humans and technology. Replika the AI therapist serves as a source of emotional support and mental ...


Khanmigo is still in its pilot phase using feedback from learning institution for necessary changes. Newark school officials already tabled a recommendation ...


DeepMind CEO, Demis Hassabis expressed confidence that Gemini, the new Google AI will surpass other large language models including OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

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