Latest AI Photoshop Beta is a Frightening Deep Fake!

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Latest AI photoshop beta adds to the growing list of worries that political players have to deal with in the 2024 elections. In the newly released AI image generative fill feature, its capability will be both confusing and rewarding. Dana Rao, the general counsel, Says, “Being able to prove what’s true is going to be essential for governments, news agencies, and regular people.” The plan to make Photoshop authentic raises concerns about digital deception.

While these will not be entirely new to users experienced in AI image generation, the integration in photoshop offers additional opportunity to reach wider audience.

Is AI Photoshop Generative Fill free?

The highly flexible Generative Fill feature is now accessible to all Photoshop subscribers and trial users through the “Beta apps” section of the Creative Cloud app. Users can access the new module in the Firefly beta without subscriptions. However, it’s important to note that Generative Fill is not yet authorized for commercial use. The AI has certain limitations, such as being inaccessible to individuals under 18 and unavailable in China.

At the moment, the feature supports English-only text prompts. Generative Fill will be available to all Photoshop users before the end of the year. This will be a breeze for everyone making it easy to create eye-catching images like yard clowns. With what Generative Fill can do, you may not be able to believe what you see online again. This concern is observable when Farhad Manjoo, an opinion Columnist at New York Times, said, “It’s also terrific for removing people and things.”

In a stunning turn of events, the cutting-edge field of artificial intelligence (AI) has taken a giant leap forward, pushing the boundaries of digital deception to unprecedented levels.  Notably, adobe photoshop is a renowned image editing software. Many users celebrate it as a tool for creative expression. However, it has become the ultimate “deep fake” machine, due to the remarkable advancements in AI technology.

In a Washington Post, Geoffrey states, “AI is ushering Photoshopping into a new era, where you can alter an image in sophisticated and sometimes scary ways without mastering complex software.”

What are the possible risks of Generative AI Photoshop?

The AI Edge acknowledged that, “In an unregulated industry, the increased use of AI tools comes with the need for responsible development.” Generative AI, therefore, propels concerns about trust and security. Some countries like Italy have had to ban similar platforms like Chat GPT to protect users from possible harm.

One concern that Generative Fill is yet to cause is unauthorized data fetch. As per Gartner analyst Avivah Litan, this is possibly a significant risk to data privacy. Data privacy is a major concern in major countries today. In April 2021, at Tesla’s San Mateo Office, several ex-employers shared screenshots marked up using AI Photoshop in a private messaging system. These memes came from Tesla cameras showing people falling and tripling.

One ex-employee said, “Knowing how much data those vehicles are capable of collecting definitely made folks nervous.” The use of Generative Fill possibly will lead to critical data privacy issues associated with big companies like Elon Musk’s Tesla.

AI Adobe Generative fill a digital deception?

Also, Generative fill could cause “misinformation.” Generative fill has the ability to create fake videos, photos, and voice recordings. It has brought about a new wave of digital deception through deep fakes. Surprisingly, the manipulated visual and auditory contents, are often indistinguishable from reality. therefore, they serve as a powerful tool for spreading misinformation and carrying out malicious activities. Generative fill-in technologies like Photoshop makes it easier to create convincing deep fakes that can deceive unsuspecting viewers. As society grapples with this AI photoshop, eliminating deep fakes and preserving digital media trust are top priorities.

On 30th June 2023, BBC News reported instances of AI being used to create and sell Sex abuse images.  “Child sexual abuse offenders adopt all technologies, and some believe the future of child sexual abuse material lies in AI-generated content.” Government statement.

Read more: How AI-Generated Images Propel Child Sexual Abuse Market Worth $4 Billion in New Discovery

This reminds me of the various crimes and fraud that AI has propelled in the last decades. Users can only hope that upon its release later this year, there will be adequate guardrails in place to ensure safety of the AI photoshop image generator.

This post was written by Hanington Omondi and Edited by Job Otieno

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