AI ChatGPT Godfather Resigns and Warns of Dangers to Come

Today’s resignation and executive churning in AI ChatGPT companies at Stability AI reveal hidden issues. Within two months, top executives, Head of Research and Company COO Ren Ito left the company on unclear grounds.
AI godfather warns of its dangers

Executive churning in AI ChatGPT companies in recent months is a worrying trend. Surprisingly, it started with the resignation of AI godfather Geoffrey Hinton citing scary dangers associated with AI chatbots. Other top AI CEOs and executives are reported to resign including DataRobot CEO Dan Wright and AI stability Head of Research, David Ha.

Today’s resignation and executive churning in AI ChatGPT companies at Stability AI reveal hidden issues. Within two months, top executives, Head of Research and Company COO Ren Ito left the company on unclear grounds.

The company CEO, Emad Mostaque initially faced accusation of exaggeration. In his denial, he argued that people are just panicking over AI exponentials.

DataRobot CEO Resigns over AI stock Sales

On Tuesday, Dan Wright resigned after serving the AI robot company for 17 months. His exit comes months after Ben Taylor also resigned over employee layoffs and fraudulent selling of the company stocks. Nonetheless, Thurai, a research analyst highlighted growth issues as the main concern.

“They are struggling with growth, competition is catching up, acquisitions are not well integrated yet, and there seems to be a cultural problem which drives away a lot of employees…too many exec changes.”

In response, DataRobot cited a 38% year-on-year growth as proof of strong growth.

“We have a strong financial foundation, with a sizable cash runway to support our operations for several years.  Any suggestion to the contrary is not supported by the facts.” Company spokesperson.

In as much as the company denied all these claims, the lid is off. Robot AI companies have an obvious need to deal with internal challenges.

AI ChatGPT Godfather Predicted Dangers

AI godfathers and experts have warned of its dangers. Vinod Khosla is one AI godfather who predicted its impacts on job loss. Today we see content writers walking dogs in the streets of New York.

However, actions taken by AI godfather, Geoffrey Hinton have changed the view of the eminent dangers associated with AI ChatGPT and robotics. You probably remember AI godfathers including Yoshua Bengio, Yann LeCun, and now Geoffrey Hinton have had varying views regarding the potential dangers of chatbots.

In 2023 VivaTech, LeCun dismissed the need for government regulations on AI and robots. However, Bengio and Elon Musk signed a moratorium to stop research on AI due to possible dangers. The recent actions by Hinton now shows that there are good reasons to worry about the dangers posed by AI ChatGPT.  In his words, AI chatbots not only pose danger now but also in future.

Some dangers of AI chatbots were quite scary. Right now, they are not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be.” Hinton said in a BBC interview.

AI adoption accelerates, the demand for specific skill sets may shift, leaving workers without the necessary expertise. As a result, they face limited job prospects. On the other hand, employees are already feeling the heat given several layoffs. The fear of job loss can also create anxiety and stress among the workforce, affecting their overall well-being and motivation. Consequently, there is a pressing need for upskilling and retraining initiatives to equip individuals with the skills necessary to adapt to the evolving job market and to ensure that the benefits of AI are more inclusive and sustainable for society as a whole.

Executive churning in AI companies is indicative of the dangers that we can expect now and in future. The reason for exit includes job losses, exaggeration, limited company growth, and panic amongst others. It may be just the time to see AI ChatGPT and chatbot AI for what they truly mean for the human future.

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