Scarlett Johansson filed a lawsuit against an Artificial Intelligence App for using her face and voice

Scarlett Johansson filed a case against an Artificial Intelligence App for using her identity without her permission.

Scarlett Johansson filed a case against an Artificial Intelligence App for using her identity without her permission.

Scarlett Johansson filed a case against an Artificial Intelligence App for using her identity without her permission.

After Tom Hanks’ Warning to use his Artificial Intelligence version for a promotional video. Now Scarlett Johansson is on the list to take an Artificial Intelligence App to court for using her face and voice in an Online Advertisement without Scarlett’s Permission.

The 22-second ad was posted on the X platform by an AI image-generating app called Lisa AI: 90’s Yearbook & Avatar. They used video from the ‘Black Widow’ and generated fake images and dialogue.

The Attorney of Scarlett has confirmed that legal actions are being taken against the Artificial Intelligence App.

As reported by The Guardian, comedian Sarah Silverman filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Meta, alleging copyright infringement, claiming that their AI models were trained on her work without her authorization.

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