PM Narendra Modi’s LinkedIn Post Calls for Global Involvement in AI Summit 2023

PM Narendra Modi's LinkedIn Post Calls for Global Involvement in AI Summit 2023

PM Narendra Modi's LinkedIn Post Calls for Global Involvement in AI Summit 2023

On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed tech enthusiasts, innovators, and stakeholders from around the globe to participate in the forthcoming Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) Summit 2023. Through a LinkedIn post, Modi emphasized the far-reaching effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across diverse fields and underscored its beneficial contributions to technology, innovation, healthcare, education, agriculture, and beyond.

Narendra Modi mentioned that India is committed to creating regulations and frameworks that make sure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is safe and reliable. Modi emphasized the importance of uniting all countries to put these rules into practice everywhere and for a long time. He also highlighted how we’re currently in an exciting era where quick advancements and human efforts have turned things once thought impossible into reality. Modi pointed out that AI is growing rapidly in various ways and its uses are expanding really fast.

Modi emphasized that India offers solutions that can be scaled easily also are safe, affordable, lasting, and can be replicated worldwide. He highlighted India’s Digital Public Infrastructure project as a significant illustration of leading endeavors in this aspect.

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