Promoting Open Source AI: IBM, Meta, and 50 Organizations Unite in ‘AI Alliance

IBM and Meta Unite 50 Organizations in 'AI Alliance' for Open Source AI Promotion

IBM and Meta recently declared the AI Alliance, a group of more than 50 organizations like AMD, Intel, NASA, CERN, and Harvard University. This coalition aims to support “open innovation and open science in AI.”

IBM and Meta Unite 50 Organizations in 'AI Alliance' for Open Source AI Promotion

They want to encourage new approaches to AI that aren’t limited to the closed systems used by big companies such as OpenAI and Google, which have products like ChatGPT and Duet.

Most of its members support “open source,” where tech is shared freely. This idea stems from cooperation between Big Tech, academics, and passionate independent programmers who collaborate.

Meta’s President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, stated “We think it’s advantageous to develop AI openly as it allows more individuals to enjoy its advantages, create inventive products, and focus on ensuring its safety.”

Darío Gil, IBM’s Senior Vice President and IBM Research Director, mentioned that since August, IBM has collaborated with Meta to unite various organizations that haven’t gained as much attention as OpenAI has.

The alliance concentrates on six main areas, like rules and safety, for its immediate plans. Gil mentioned they’re about to launch a tool to measure how safe AI is and to check if AI models are reliable.

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