Humane launch AI Pin, it can replace your smartphone!

Humane launch AI Pin, it can replace your smartphone!

Two Ex-Apple designers named Bethany Bongiorno and Imran Chaudhri founded the company Humane AI, which is trending on the Internet because of their AI Pin product and rumors are saying it can replace your SmartPhone.

Humane launch AI Pin, it can replace your smartphone!

Humane launch AI Pin, it can replace your smartphone!

According to the Humane, the AI pin is wearable and it does not have any screen. It features a laser display, transforming the user’s palm into a mini screen.

The Humane AI Pin enables users to make calls, send text, click pictures, record videos, etc via voice commands. Users can easily access AI services via the Internet, without downloading applications.

The startup raises $230 million in funding and Companies like Open AI, Microsoft, etc are contributing AI services.

The AI pin device comes in three colors – Lunar, Equinox, and Eclipse and it costs $699. Also, it comes with a $25 monthly subscription.

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