Deceptive AI and the 2024 US Election Cycle

Deceptive AI in US elections

The US election is taking its final turn to the homestretch and political pundits, propagandists, and pragmatists on both sides of the divide will reprise personal attacks on candidates using anything they can lay their hands on. Within reach are the Deceptive AI capable of persuading voters to change their preferences. Jessica Rosenworcel in referring to the New Hampshire Robocall said “Because when a caller sounds like a politician you know, a celebrity you like, or a family member who is familiar, any one of us could be tricked into believing something that is not true with calls using AI.” Now Steve Kramer must contend with FCC’s hand demanding USD million for flooding phones with deceptive AI.

The use of artificial intelligence in influencing the US election in 2024 remains high despite FCC warning” Let me be very clear. If you flood our phones with this junk, we will find you and you will pay,” Chairwoman, Jessica.

In all honesty, Lian Neeson would have made the threat a lot better “What we do have at FCC are a particular set of skills. These skills we have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for people like you. [If you use deceptive AI] in influencing elections, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will make you pay $6 million.”

Let’s dive a little bit into deceptive AI and the 2024 US elections…

How will Deceptive AI affect the 2024 Elections?

For many US citizens, the problem is not about the deceptive AI. The elephant in the house is the vulnerability to disinformation as we have witnessed in fabricated images of Iran’s ballistic missile attack on Israel.

Once deceptive AI tools are used to create false claims, the damage remains to be irreparable. During the four-way primary in February 2023, there was a voice. “In my day, no one would bat an eye if a police officer killed 17 or 18 people.” Many will forget this, but mayoral candidate Paul Vallas will live to remember it. While the impacts of such incidences are far-reaching, the main concern is the erosion of public trust in election information.

In as much as there are no expectations of new risks from deceptive AI, the occurrences are indicative of possible amplification of the existing risks. You could be also imagining how supporters of Biden and Harris will treat subsequent election messages after the robocall incident in New Hampshire. The magician voice in Biden’s robe lied to them that they could be precluded from casting ballots in the November general election if they participated in the primary.

Well, Kramer already changed the tune in his admission and said he intended to sound a warning that AI is beyond dog intelligence and could be used to influence elections. My wild guess which could be yours too, is that the impact remains on the thousands of voters who received the voice messages. Deceptive AI claws remain deeply rooted in their conscience and can strike at the least given opportunity to influence their choices and decisions in the upcoming US elections.

How the US Presidential Election Will Change the Future of AI

According to the FCC’s enforcement bureau chief’s admission, “whether at the hands of domestic operatives seeking political advantage or sophisticated foreign adversaries conducting malign influence or election interference activities” there is a significant threat.

Whether you believe it or not. Kramer has exposed the danger that so many are silent about. Most people use deceptive AI because they rely on unwritten codes of industry norms. It doesn’t necessarily mean that policymakers are stupid not to have enforceable regulations but it shows they aren’t wise either!

When it’s about time to use deceptive AI, the rule of thumb has been “stick to ethical guidelines” but both Democrats and Republicans continue to contend with the need for federal regulations. The one thing that J.D. Vance and team “Make America Great Again” remember when the discussion is about AI is that it has insane political bias! Even those who are holding onto the hope of creating history by giving America the first female president admit that deceptive AI is premised on “extraordinary potential for both promise and peril”

In sum, it is time to rethink AI and have a candid discussion about deceptive AI and US elections to shape the future.


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