The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Bill Gates Predicts 3-Day Workweek in future!

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Bill Gates Predicts 3-Day Workweek in future!

The founder of Microsoft Bill Gates showed his optimist approach toward artificial intelligence. Bill Gates said that AI will not replace humans but it can make things easier and it could make people work only 3 Days a week.

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Bill Gates Predicts 3-Day Workweek in future!

In the recent episode of South African comedian and writer Trevor Noah’s podcast ‘What Now’ Gates shared his perspective on Artificial Intelligence technology and work.

Bill Gates talks about how AI and machines will replace labor-intensive work in the future, and it will allow humans to do more productive work faster and in less time.

Bill Gates said “The purpose of life is not just to do jobs. So if you eventually get a society where you only have to work three days a week or something, that’s probably OK” 

He also talks about, how people should focus on learning new skills for a smooth transition towards automation. 

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