AI Robots Play Incredible Role For The Future of our Seniors’ Care

AI robot taking care of the elderly

Artificial Intelligence and AI robots technologies are drastically improving many sectors including senior care. AI Robots are the future of the elderly care as it finds its use in every step of pathway. Caregivers and health experts are offloading parts of the elderly care pathways to the technology, thereby enabling better care in the senior’s homes.

Technology that ensured senior’s safety has been in use for a long time. However, incorporating systems that use data to make decisions is much more better. Many older people wish to stay in their homes for as long as they can. Yet, old age come with challenges like mobility, memory and general health. For this cause, they need additional assistance.

Developments in robots could best fulfill the future needs of the elderly. AI robots are promising to monitor and manage health conditions, loneliness and perform general care.

“Welcome to care giving in the 2020s: in rich societies, computers are guiding decisions about elder care, driven by a shortage of caregivers, an aging population and families wanting their seniors to stay in their own homes longer. A plethora of so called “age tech” companies have sprung up over the last few years including to keep tabs on older adults, particularly those with cognitive decline. Their solutions are now beginning to permeate into home care, assisted living and nursing facilities” See here

AI Robots Monitoring and Personalized Care in Older dear ones

The technology is revolutionizing healthcare by providing efficient and personalized monitoring and care. Alarm systems with Artificial intelligence monitoring algorithms act as an early warning system for any potential health related issues, allowing for prompt interventions as well as reducing risks of adverse events. The robot-powered virtual assistant can help remind of the medication time, schedule appointments and offering helpful advice on managing chronic conditions.

Read also: You didn’t Expect AI Robot to Take Care of UK Prime Minister’s Grandma and AI news here

Combating Loneliness

“Human beings are social beings” applies to every individual including the elderly. However, as years progresses, older adults are at risk of loneliness and social isolation. They are either living alone, or are experiencing loss of a loved one. Psychologists suggest that loneliness can contribute to depression , anxiety and other health problems in elderly.

To help combat future effect of this, AI-powered technique have been developed to provide companionship. It engages with the user in conversation on a wide range of topic. By doing so, they are programmed to understand and respond to the underlying  emotions and sentiments expressed. The technology also provide suggestions or solutions to problems as well acting as a compassionate listener.

Nadia Magenta Thalami, recently created Nadine, a social robot. It is AI designed robot with lifelike gestures and expressions, that could play a role of caring for the elderly. See here

Talking robots that interact with older people could be introduced into care homes to help fight loneliness and mental ill health

AI robots Offering Senior Care with Transportation and Mobility Solutions

Maintaining mobility is very vital for an active life. This technology can facilitate transportation options for the elderly, hence ensuring safer and more accessible journeys. Self-driving cars equipped with AI systems can be a great support for anyone who can’t drive anymore for their comments. See here

AI robots Improving Memory and Cognitive Decline

As we age, people are at risk of memory loss and cognitive decline. They can access applications that help with cognitive support, memory enhancement as well as mental stimulation.

Overall, robot technology is helping in presenting a transformative opportunity to address their unique challenges. Eventually, it brings the potential to positively impact the lives of our dear seniors in our communities, making them glow, age gracefully, maintain their dignity and experience a higher quality life.




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