Meta company is investing so much in AI. Zuckerberg has expressed plans to outdo rivals in the tech
industry by investing huge sums in data centers with the objective of attaining human-level
computer systems. Meta’s FAIR project targets basic AI research and GenAI is out to develop AI
products to meet all areas of consumers needs. These AI systems even though far from completion,
will function very closely to human capacity. They are also expected to be open source so that
everyone can easily access and use them. General Artificial Intelligence or Artificial General
Intelligence as they are popularly referred to, is expected to be able to have abilities like humans and
think as such. So, they are expected to perform tasks just like humans.
Meta’s Lliama 3 model is undergoing training. Zuckerberg notes that there has been massive
investment in support of AI. Much is also being invested in Nvidia’s H100 GPU chips for computing
power. The target roadmap includes about 600k H100s equivalents of computes. Other firms too,
like OpenAI, are building up their plans of how to key into the AI project.
Even as expectations are building, concerns are also building. One such is the question of
regulation. Who will manage the regulatory authority for GenAI? There is also the concern of AIs
possessing human functional abilities which may mean a threat to human existence and livelihood.
Experts are also asking if it is safe for everyone to access and use AIs. With the recent occurrence of
DPD’s chatbox, there are increased worries about AI’s ability to lose control and malfunction in
manners not previously intended for it. Extreme fears are the chances of AI taking over completely.
What will that mean for humans? How about the amount of energy needed to power AIs? This will
have to bring up matters such as nuclear fusion. Meta is being open about their strides so far.
However, several other tech giants are not letting the public into their plans and activities which is a
real cause for concern. There seems to be enough time for the right modalities to be put in place and
for governments to show support or otherwise for AI tools before they are released into the open
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