Gajraj System: An AI-based Surveillance system built by Indian Railways to avoid Elephant Deaths on tracks

Gajraj System: An AI-based Surveillance system built by Indian Railways to avoid Elephant Deaths on tracks

To protect nature, wildlife, and Elephants, Indian Railways built an AI software named “Gajraj AI” to avoid Elephant rail accidents. 

Gajraj System An AI-based Surveillance system built by Indian Railways to avoid Elephant Deaths on tracks

The Gajraj AI software uses sensors on the Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) line to detect vibrations from elephants’ footsteps up to 200 meters away. When it senses these vibrations, it sets off an alarm to warn the train’s Loco Pilot. This helps the Loco Pilot quickly slow down the train, keeping both the elephants and passengers safe.

Indian railways have planned to install this AI surveillance system on the 700 km Rail Network to avoid elephant deaths.

According to government data, around 20 elephants, on average, lose their lives in train accidents each year in the country, with most of these unfortunate incidents occurring within the Northeast Frontier Railway region.

This seems a great initiative and a good use of AI to save our wildlife. We will see more innovations like this in the future.

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