Meet Aitana, This Spanish AI model is earning up to 9 lakhs Rupees per month.

Aitana, This Spanish AI model is earning up to 9 lakhs Rupees per month.

Aitana, This Spanish AI model is earning up to 9 lakhs Rupees per month.

Aitana, the first Spanish model was created by Designer Rubén Cruz and his influencer agency named The Clueless.  

Each week, Aitana, a lively 25-year-old with pink hair hailing from Barcelona, receives private messages from celebrities asking her out who are unaware that she is not an actual person and an AI creation crafted by her designers.

Aitana has more than 1.3 Lakh followers on Instagram and earns around $12,000 monthly. 

The creator of Aitana created her in a way that she is living a real life, one of her Instagram posts shows that she was attending the Blink 182 concert in Barcelona. The concert happened, but in reality, she was not present there.

Internet and Social Media are teeming with so many AI models and we will see more in the future. 

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